[intro]The new solution of the Danish State for e-procurement and electronic invoice handling has gone into production. The invoice handling is in full operation and the first orders are sent.[/intro]
The “IndFak2” solution which are delivered by Miracle, Tricom (procurement) and Ibistic (invoices) went into production in the beginning of October for a group of chosen institutions.
The following government agencies and institutions are now live with “Indfak2”:
- Moderniseringsstyrelsen
- Sundhedsministeriets departement
- Sundhedsstyrelsen
- Roskilde Universitetscenter (RUC)
- Roskilde Katedralskole (Gymnasiefællesskabet)
- Videnskabsministeriets Departement
- Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
- Statens IT
- Digitaliseringsstyrelsen
- Beskæftigelsesministeriets Departement
- Arbejdstilsynet
Read more about the “IndFak2” project at the website of Moderniseringsstyrelsen
(in Danish).